
Welcome Guest

Eating is a primary need for every living. From plants to human, everyone needs to eat for life. But, nowadays to eat isn't just for life..Eat, cook, and food become an art...When you eat you should use all of your senses from the eyes, nose, tongue, and also your brain..And human with their brain can discover many kind of food resources and how to make it to become an INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS FOOD...Lots of people are usually looking for recipes to start cooking. But, the essence of creating an incredibly delicious food is to use your heart and skillfull hand..Cook with your happy feeling will make a different taste then cook when your day is blue..Of course we need some best recipes too..and also skill.In my blogs i want to help you to discover lots of recipes and maybe a little history about the places it comes from.... I try to gather lots of recipes from all around the world to add your recipes collection..So, welcome in my blogs, discover your favourite recipes and..... let's cook with heart!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010




1ltr santan cair

½ ekr ayam, potong 4

250ml santan kental


2 bt sereh, memarkan

2 lbr daun salam

2 lbr daun jeruk

Bumbu halus:

8 bh bawang merah

4 bh bawang putih

1sdm ketumbar

1 pt kunyit

1 pt jahe

1 pt lengkuas

2 bh cabe merah

6 btr kemiri

½ sdt gula jawa

½ sdm garam


150 gr bihun, rendam, tiriskan potong-potong

2 btr telur rebus

2 ikat daun kemangi, ambil daunnya

1 sdm bawang goreng

2 bh jeruk nipis, iris tipis.

Cara membuat:

  • Tumis bumbu dengan 3 sdm minyak goreng hingga harum

  • Masukkan santan cair, masak hingga mendidih

  • Masukkan ayam, masak hingga matang, angkat. Suwir-suwir

  • Tuang santan kental kedalam rebusan santan cair masak sambil diaduk hingga mendidih.

Cara menyajikan:

tempatkan bihun dalam mangkuk, beri suwiran daging ayam, irisan telur, dan daun kemangi. Tuangi kuah laksa, taburi bawang goreng. Sajikan dengan ditemani irisan jeruk nipis.


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